
SecureSocial fires the following events that can be listened by your application:

  • Login
  • Logout
  • Sign up (for the Username and Password provider)
  • Password Change
  • Password Reset

Event Listener

To start tracking events create a new class that extends EventListener and implement the onEvent method.

class MyEventListener(app: Application) extends EventListener {
	override def id: String = "my_event_listener"

  	def onEvent(event: Event, request: RequestHeader, session: Session): Option[Session] = {
	    val eventName = event match {
	      case e: LoginEvent => "login"
	      case e: LogoutEvent => "logout"
	      case e: SignUpEvent => "signup"
	      case e: PasswordResetEvent => "password reset"
	      case e: PasswordChangeEvent => "password change"
	    }"traced %s event for user %s".format(eventName, event.user.fullName))

You modify the session after handling the event by using the session parameter and returning a new instance with the required changes. Returning None means that nothing needs to be changed as in the example above.

If you wanted to change the session you would replace the None in the sample above with something like:

Some(session + ("my_key" -> "my_value"))	    

Finally, you need to register your event listener in play.plugins:


The Event API is currently available in Scala only.